FPCA Homepage

Welcome to the FPCA Homepage. Like all websites, this is a work in progress. All feedback is welcome. This page is here for whatever neeeds of the FPCA that can be met with a web page.
Weather Information
Local Contractors
Information on weed control (from Jan Beals)
Governing Documents

The Current Weather
A newer setup effective December 2013 using a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Weather Station. This should be an even better and more industrial strength station compared to before. The link below will take you to the page for the data. The data will be refreshed every 10 minutes. Be sure to check the date/time on the bar graphs to be sure the data is current.
Current weather from Landis Ranch

Commercial/Government weather data for the area
Forecast (NWS)

Local Contractors
This is a template for listing local businesses and contractors that we have collectively had good experience with. I'm juggling privacy and publication issues, so I will just list categories and companies here. If you are interested in someone listed below, email me and I will send you the full list with contact information and who gave the reference.
Category Contractor References
General Contractors PCI Construction  
Wells and pumps Rocky Mountain Pump and Drilling  
Wells and pumps Black Mountain Pump Service, Inc.  
Well water testing    
HVAC and Plumbing Parkey's Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Plumbing  
Plumbing Baird & Sons Plumbing
Underground Solutions, Inc.
Electrical (emergencies too) Kurt Riggle  
Roofing Campbell-Clark  
Lumber (and stuff) Hutchinson Lumber  
Chimney Sweep Skyline Chimney and Roofing  

Weed Control

We have some resources below that may be of interest to FPCA members. These were pulled off the web in 2015 and 2016. These files are organized as follows:
Methods and Organizations
Small Rural acerage use case (pdf)
    Weed Management Chart (pdf)
    Biocontrol: (Brochure pdf)
    Biocontrol: (page)
    Biocontrol: Canada Thistle 1(pdf)
    Biocontrol: Canada Thistle 2(pdf)
    Herbicides: calibration of backpack sprayer (pdf)
    Herbicides: cp_PSCG-2_K-23017-1_calibrationguide (pdf)
    Herbicides: Invasive Weed Control with Telar XP herbicide (pdf)
    Herbicides: milestone (pdf)
    Herbicides: suggested herbicide concentractions for 4 gallon backpack sprayer (pdf)
    Herbicides: surfacant (pdf)
    Herbicides: Telar XP (pdf)
    Teller Park Conservation District: 2015 seed brochure (pdf)
    Teller Park Conservation District: 2016 seed brochure (pdf)
    Teller Park Conservation District: cost-share application_2015 (pdf)
Weed types
    Sweetclover: Yellow Sweetclover (pdf)
    Sweetclover: Gunnison County page (page)
    Sweetclover: Techline page (page)
    Thistle: Canada Thistle Biocontrol _ Department of Agriculture – Conservation Services (pdf)
    Thistle: Canada Thistle Factsheet (pdf)
    Thistle: Musk Thistle (pdf)
    Thistle: Thistles of Colorado (pdf)
    Toadflax: CO Noxious Weeds - Yellow toadflax Management (pdf)
    Toadflax: yellow toadflax (CSUES)(pdf)
    Toadflax: Yellow Toadflax Factsheet (pdf)

Happy reading…

The Governing Documents

Document Purpose Date Released
(Last Revision)
Requirement to Change
Articles of Incorporation Created FPCA as a nonprofit corporation August 1974 Cannot be changed
Protective Covenants Protecting the present and future property values of all the real property within FPCA. Ours run with the land. They can be enforced with all subsequent owners of the property, although they were not parties to the original covenant or agreement. 1977 2/3 of owners to change.
Must be filed with the County
Addition to Protective Covenants Further refinements in terms of defining residential tract owners, annual assessments, FPCA's rights and responsibilities. Defines purpose of bylaws and rules and regulations August 1981 2/3 of owners to change.
Must be filed with the County
Second Addition to Protective Covenants Defines fishing member February 1985 2/3 of owners to change.
Must be filed with the County
Bylaws Lays out the functioning of the organization. Includes definitions of key terms, specifies requirements for meetings, Board membership and duties, etc. July 2024 2/3 of owners to change.
No legal Filing neccesary
Rules and Regulations Specific guidelines as to individual behavior; for example, car decals, camping, parking, fires, keys, contractor conduct, etc. July 1985 Majority of owners to change.
No legal Filing neccesary
All the documents All the above documents in one file, easier for searching. June 2003  
All the documents All the above documents in one file, easier for searching. (Latest and Greatest!) July 2024